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Life Mentoring

“[We] must be taught how to think, not what to think.”
― Margaret Mead

Life mentoring for women

Young women (and young men) are facing unique challenges and opportunities at this time on earth.

Good, inspiring female (and male) role models are scarce. And in the absence of the traditional ‘village’ nowadays we’re lacking truly wise elders to turn to for guidance.

I certainly don’t claim that wisdom. However I know the challenges of young womanhood and feel passionate about supporting women like you to figure out ‘how it all works’.

We’ll work to help you find your own unique voice, your own pace and your own way of doing life. Because this is your life, not anyone else’s.

We’ll explore practical ways build self-confidence, develop leadership skills, and achieve the coveted work-life balance. Together, we’ll navigate career transitions, building strong relationships, and achieving the growth you want in your life.

What is a mentor?

A mentor is someone who’s a little bit further down the road than you in terms of life experience. They won’t necessarily have ‘been there, done that’ on every aspect of life. But they have enough experience to know many of the pitfalls and opportunities.

A mentor shares their knowledge, experiences, and insights to help you navigate challenges and get to where you want to be.

Nature Mentoring

Thomas Berry believed that the Earth is entering an emerging era in which humans would recover our creative orientation to the living world and live in a mutually enhancing relationship with the Earth and her ecological communities.

In this emerging era, many questions arise:
~ What can I do?
~ What should I do?
~ How can I help?
~ What does the Earth need of me?

What if what the Earth needs of you is to occupy the singularly unique place in life that only you can occupy? What of it’s as simple as that?

What if you couldn’t figure it out with your mind because you can only inhabit that place with your whole being? What if inhabiting that place requires your heart, your body, your poetry, your longing, your ancestry, your imagination? What if it requires all of you?

And what if your role here is to fully inhabit all of these aspects of you and to then offer yourself to the world from that place?

The next obvious question that can come is… “how do I do that?”

But this is not a question of doing. This requires a different way of engaging. This requires watching for the next obvious step. This requires listening with your whole body. This requires acting from your integrity, speaking from your heart..

As humans, we will either learn to become a life-enhancing element of the greater Earth community… or we will not.

Our mentoring focuses on…

Growing into your unique place and gift in the world

Growing your relationship with Nature

Growing into solo hiking and solo wandering

Growing your self-confidence

Growing your strength, resilience and mental health

Growing your relationships

Growing your unique leadership strengths

… and many other areas

Work with me