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Emotional Intelligence 

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

Viktor E. Frankl

What is emotional intelligence

What is emotional intelligence?

It’s being able to tell what you’re feeling in any given moment and manage those feelings well.

Here’s an interesting statistic… Out of half a million people globally who completed an emotional intelligence test, only 36% were able to identify their emotions as they happen. This means that 2/3 of us are aren’t skilled at spotting our emotions and harnessing them for our benefit… yet!

Is this you? If so then there’s a good chance that your emotions might be controlling you, rather then you managing them.

People often assume that emotional intelligence is fixed – you’ve either got it or you don’t – and that it can’t be improved.
This is not true!
You absolutely can develop emotional intelligence skills.
Older people score higher on EI, most likely because they’ve had the benefit of learning from life experiences

Why emotional intelligence is important

In your personal life

Understanding emotions can grow a sense of capability that brings more satisfaction to all areas of your life.

A little effort spent on increasing your emotional intelligence tends to have a wide-ranging, positive impact on your life.

… like being seen more positively by others, having better quality connections with friends, being liked more by the opposite sex! This might be because people with higher EI tend to be open and conscientious.

But there’s more… emotional intelligence is connected with healthy self-esteem. It’s also connected with greater life satisfaction[3].

Emotional intelligence is the foundation for a whole host of critical skills.

Emotional intelligence in the workplace

This is all before we get to the professional realm…

Did you know that the greatest predictor of success in every occupation and industry across the globe is emotional intelligence? Research has proved this to be true for over 3 decades.

Emotional intelligence is so essential to professional success that it accounts for a whopping 58% of performance in all types of roles.

This helps to explain why people with the high IQs outperform those with average IQs only 20% of the time, while people with average IQs outperform those with high IQs 70% of the time.

EI is connected with decision-making skills. And it helps students to achieve academic success.

People with higher emotional intelligence typically have a higher income than their peers. And they also experience greater job stability throughout their life

They also experience more job satisfaction, regardless of the type of job.

How to develop emotional intelligence skills

Emotional intelligence is a life skill worth learning. Why wouldn’t you give yourself the opportunity for wholeness, connection and wellbeing?

Discover where and how you’re using emotional intelligence in your interactions.

Practice ways to improve your emotional skills.

Learn ways to improve your relationships (personal & professional)


  • Your relationship with yourself (self-esteem)
  • The way you express yourself (communication)
  • How you make decisions
  • Your tolerance for stress
  • Your work-life balance
  • Your happiness
  • Your resilience
  • … And ultimately your wellbeing
How to improve emotional intelligence

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