AU: (+61) 450 458 169 . . . NZ: (+64) 27 369 7128

Online Personal Coaching 

The change we seek needs support. So does the change-maker.

Transformative Coaching

Personal Coaching

Are your intentions and ideals greater than your actions?

Would you like more of your truer self to come through in your day-to-day living, loving and working?

Together, we decide how we’re going to work to make the most out of the opportunities or challenges in front of you.

Then we co-create the pathway forward.

We start from the place of acknowledging your existing resources and strengths and that you already have everything you need within you to move towards what you most want for yourself.

Somatic Coaching

Somatic coaching is powerful in that we treat the emotional system, the physical body system, and the mind as one. It acknowledges that we are more than our mind.

Trauma-Informed Coaching

Creating environments of psychological safety is important to me. Because I’ve seen that people relax and become more creative in safe environments. We take a grounded approach and focus on the strengths you already have. And we build upon those strengths to grow resilience and greater creativity.

Life Coaching

Our grounded life coaching focuses on practical, relatable advice and actionable steps to help you: build constructive habits, increase your mental wellbeing, set and achieve goals, overcome obstacles, build resilience, build relationships, improve communication, or improve your work-life balance.

Emotional Coaching

We focus on growing your emotional intelligence using practical, manageable skills and exercises. Discover where and how you’re using emotional intelligence in your interactions. Learn valuable communication skills, establish a healthy work-life balance and develop stronger self-esteem.

Living an emotionally healthy life is something that is available to you. You can grow emotional health in the same way you grow physical health… through intention, focus and commitment.

Feminine Leadership Coaching

Feminine leadership is not just about women in leadership. It’s about a way of leading that values a broader range of human traits and qualities. Competing in the old masculine game is often not the way women thrive, or indeed the mode in which their deepest gifts come to the fore.

Context Coaching (Systemic Coaching)

Learn to zoom out, to step back from the minutia and look at the bigger picture. Develop the skills to get things done in a way that benefits the whole system you’re a part of.

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